Learn and Practice Free Science Set 9 questions

Click below to Practice Free Science Set 9 Questions

You can get answer of the below sample questions by going through the above Question sets.

True false? Batteries convert chemical to electrical energy.

Option 1: TRUE
Option 2: FALSE
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:

In terms of electricity, what does DC st f?

Option 1: Direct current
Option 2: Dynamic current
Option 3: Drop Current
Option 4: Dim Current
Option 5:

The wire inside an electric bulb is known as the what?

Option 1: Filament
Option 2: Tungsten
Option 3: Screwcap
Option 4: Envolope
Option 5:

Conducts have a high low resistance?

Option 1: Low
Option 2: High
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:

True false? The concept of electric fields was first introduced by Albert Einstein.

Option 1: FALSE
Option 2: TRUE
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:

Electric resistance is typically measured in what units?

Option 1: Ohms
Option 2: Watts
Option 3: Amps
Option 4: Volts
Option 5:

In terms of electricity, what does AC st f?

Option 1: Alternating Current
Option 2: Direct Current
Option 3: Anatony Current
Option 4: Adverse Current
Option 5:

Electric power is typically measured in what units?

Option 1: Watts
Option 2: Amps
Option 3: Volts
Option 4: Ohms
Option 5:

True false? You can extend battery life by sting batteries at a low temperature.

Option 1: TRUE
Option 2: FALSE
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:

True false? Sound travels faster through water than air?

Option 1: FALSE
Option 2: TRUE
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:

Practice Free Science Set 9 Questions online

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