Learn and Practice Free Science Set 7 questions
Click below to Practice Free Science Set 7 Questions
You can get answer of the below sample questions by going through the above Question sets.
The coled part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called the?
Option 1: Pteridines
Option 2: Purines
Option 3: Carotenoids
Option 4: Iris
Option 5:
What is the name of the substance that gives skin hair its pigment?
Option 1: Tyrosine
Option 2: dopachrome
Option 3: Quinone
Option 4: Melanin
Option 5:
The muscles found in the front of your thighs are known as what?
Option 1: Spinal
Option 2: Ganglia
Option 3: Quinone
Option 4: Quadr
Option 5:
True false? The two chambers at the bottom of your heart are called ventricles.
Option 1: TRUE
Option 2: FALSE
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:
What substance are nails made of?
Option 1: Spinal
Option 2: Ganglia
Option 3: Quinone
Option 4: Keratin
Option 5:
What is the human body biggest gan?
Option 1: Spinal
Option 2: Ganglia
Option 3: Quinone
Option 4: The skin
Option 5:
The innermost part of bones contains what?
Option 1: Spinal
Option 2: Ganglia
Option 3: Quinone
Option 4: Bone marrow
Option 5:
True false? An adult human body has over 500 bones.
Option 1: TRUE
Option 2: FALSE
Option 3:
Option 4:
Option 5:
How many lungs does the human body have?
Option 1: 1
Option 2: 2
Option 3: 3
Option 4: 4
Option 5:
Another name f your voice box is the?
Option 1: Pharynx
Option 2: Trachea
Option 3: Right Lung
Option 4: Larynx
Option 5:
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