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You can get answer of the below sample questions by going through the above Question sets.
"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.Question: Seagulls, crabs, and starfish all eat"
Option 1: clams
Option 2: bread
Option 3: fish
Option 4:
Option 5:
"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.Question: Which animal does not move quickly?"
Option 1: starfish
Option 2: seagulls
Option 3: crabs
Option 4:
Option 5:
"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.Question: Based on information in the passage, which sentence is false?"
Option 1: Starfish are hard to catch.
Option 2: Crabs eat shrimp and ocean plants.
Option 3: Seagulls move quickly on the sand and in the air.
Option 4:
Option 5:
"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.Question: The passage does not talk about"
Option 1: what starfish eat
Option 2: how crabs catch food
Option 3: how fast beach animals move
Option 4:
Option 5:
"Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them.Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.Question: Based on information in the passage, which animal would you be most likely to see at the beach?"
Option 1: crabs
Option 2: seagulls
Option 3: starfish
Option 4:
Option 5:
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