Learn and Practice Free History Set 2 questions

Click below to Practice Free History Set 2 Questions

You can get answer of the below sample questions by going through the above Question sets.

In which year,Yuri Gagarin of USSR becomes the first spaceman.

Option 1: 1961
Option 2: 1861
Option 3: 1911
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Mt. Everest conquered f the first time.

Option 1: 1953
Option 2: 1853
Option 3: 1903
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Burma Ceylon get independence

Option 1: 1948
Option 2: 1848
Option 3: 1898
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Hitler became the Chancell of Germany.

Option 1: 1933
Option 2: 1833
Option 3: 1883
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,End of Wld War I.

Option 1: 1918
Option 2: 1818
Option 3: 1868
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,First artificial satellite launched by Russia.

Option 1: 1957
Option 2: 1857
Option 3: 1907
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Prophet Mohammed bn at Mecca.

Option 1: 570
Option 2: 470
Option 3: 520
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Death of Mohammed; Beginning of Hijiri Era.

Option 1: 632
Option 2: 532
Option 3: 582
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Discovery of America by Columbus.

Option 1: 1492
Option 2: 1392
Option 3: 1442
Option 4:
Option 5:

In which year,Sea-route to India discovered by Vasco-de-Gama.

Option 1: 1498
Option 2: 1398
Option 3: 1448
Option 4:
Option 5:

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