Learn and Practice Free Addition Word Problem Two Digit Three Addends questions
Click below to Practice Free Addition Word Problem Two Digit Three Addends Questions
You can get answer of the below sample questions by going through the above Question sets.
Ben scored 56 in Science, 78 in Math and 67 in English. What is his total score?
Option 1: 101
Option 2: 201
Option 3: 200
Option 4: 202
Option 5:
Shirley bought a pair of shoes that cost$78, a pair of jeans that cost $60 and a tshirtthat cost $29. How much does sheowe the shopkeeper?
Option 1: 167
Option 2: 157
Option 3: 168
Option 4: 166
Option 5:
Anna deposits $51 in a bank on Tuesday,$68 on Wednesday and $89 onSaturday. How much does she deposit ina week?
Option 1: $108
Option 2: $208
Option 3: $218
Option 4: $209
Option 5:
In a piggy bank, Carl deposits $10, hismother deposits $23 and his fatherdeposits $51. If there was no money inpiggy bank initially, how much doespiggy bank have now?
Option 1: $48
Option 2: $74
Option 3: $64
Option 4: $84
Option 5:
There are 24 green balls, 56 blue balls,and 87 red balls in a container. Howmany balls does container have?
Option 1: 157 balls
Option 2: 177 balls
Option 3: 167 balls
Option 4: 169 balls
Option 5:
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