Agile Software development
Agile Values
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software for comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration
Responding to change
What agile principle does the traditional iron triangle violate?
Deliver working software frequently
Welcome change
Ensure team is highly motivated
Use working software as the primary measure of the project
Phases of the Agile project Management
Principles of Agile Project Management
In Agile project management there is no fixed methodology like traditional approach .Here different projects have different methodology trade-offs.
In Agile Practice, a little methodology does a lot of good; after that, weight is costly.
Larger teams need more communication elements.
Projects dealing with greater potential damage need more validation elements.
Formality, process, and documentation are not substitutes for discipline, skill, and understanding.
Interactive, face-to-face communication is the cheapest and fastest channel for exchanging information.
Increased communication and feedback reduces the need for intermediate work products.
Concurrent and serial development exchange development costs for speed and flexibility.